Insights from Sherman Powell, Group BIM/CAD Manager at Urbis

Last month, AILA, the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects organized a captivating webinar titled “BIM for Landscape Architecture”, hosted by AILA’s CEO Ben Stockwin. This event featured three distinguished speakers, each offering their valuable insights.
Sam Macalister, Technical Lead at Autodesk®, delved into the highly anticipated landscape functionality of Revit® 2024. Ramin Shojaie, a Technical Consultant at Nexsys, provided an in-depth exploration of the Environment for Revit®.
Lastly, Sherman Powell, Group BIM Manager at Urbis, shared his invaluable experience of leading his landscape team to implement Revit for their landscape and urban projects.

In this article, we will explore Sherman’s key insights on adopting BIM and Revit for their daily work.

Read more “Insights from Sherman Powell, Group BIM/CAD Manager at Urbis”

Landscape architect Ragnhild Lied Børke at StudioNSW about Environment for Revit®

It felt like unlocking a new, bigger, and more versatile toolbox, specifically
designed for efficient collaboration and workflows across different disciplines

Says Ragnhild Lied Børke, the only landscape architect among 19 partners at StudioNSW, the Norwegian architecture firm. This plug-in is tailored to provide landscape architects with the necessary tools in Revit®, allowing for smoother workflows and better collaboration across phases and disciplines.

Read more “Landscape architect Ragnhild Lied Børke at StudioNSW about Environment for Revit®”

Revit 2024 – Toposolid and Environment Topography tools within Vr. 11.

Note: This blog post expands upon RevitPure's post “10 TIPS TO UNDERSTAND THE NEW TOPOSOLID TOOL IN REVIT 2024” , so if you’ve already read it, you can skip to the second part that focuses on the updates to Environment for Revit® that support Revit 2024. If you are looking for a more comprehensive review of Revit 2024, check out the Revit Pure post.

Now it’s official – Autodesk has retired the “old” Toposurface and replaced it with a new category: the Toposolid. In this post, we will go through everything you need to know about the new Toposolid and cover all of the Environment tools that, as always, support and enhance the new Revit functionality.  

So, what exactly is a Toposolid?

Read more “Revit 2024 – Toposolid and Environment Topography tools within Vr. 11.”

Topography Month in Revit®

The month of February was dedicated to celebrating topography in Autodesk Revit®, which involved showcasing various tools, expert workflows, and inspiring projects dedicated to landscape architecture and site design.
Topography, the study of the land surface, is essential in creating outdoor spaces that are sustainable, accessible, and well-planned, particularly in stormwater management and urban planning.
As Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology becomes more widespread, many landscape architects are switching to Revit and the Environment toolset to take advantage of its benefits.

Read more “Topography Month in Revit®”


Autodesk University 2022, AWESOME!

If AU 2021 was amazing, AU 2022 was beyond exceptional. Our booth attracted thousands of visitors, capturing the attention of professionals across the AEC disciplines. There, with the aid of our US reseller, Team D3 (thank you!), especially Brian Juge (a very special thank you!), visitors were positively surprised, if not awestruck, by what they saw and heard, and they told us so.


BIM – a Tool, an Approach, a Paradigm

An Arch-Intelligence team Article

Redefining the way we think and work when designing landscapes

By Oren Bar-Ner & Nehama Shechter Baraban

Building Information Modeling, or BIM. Doesn’t sound very earthshattering, does it? Anyone not in the AEC sphere would have a hard time guessing just how far reaching the impact these three nondescript words, and everything that they represent, have had on the discipline of architectural design.

The truth is that sometimes, even design professionals may not fully appreciate just how profound the BIM paradigm shift really is. This is especially true for us landscape designers, who, with the aid of tools like Environment for Revit®, have only recently been able to confidently move forward in the world of BIM.

Read more “BIM – a Tool, an Approach, a Paradigm”

Introducing the Environment for Revit Business Plan

The licensing plan that will better your business.

Flexibility. It’s one of our core values and the endless possibilities afforded by Environment for Revit are a clear testament to this.

So…. When our clients told us that they really like the idea of the Corporate Licensing Plan, but that the 10 seat minimum is a bit too much for their needs, we, of course, listened. With just a 3 seat minimum and boasting the same centralized administration as the Corporate Plan, the Business Licensing Plan is perfect for small to medium offices or specific departments within larger multidisciplinary firms.

Read more “Introducing the Environment for Revit Business Plan”