Environment Tools for Autodesk Forma®

Help us shape the future of site modeling on Forma

Dear Forma user,
This is a short survey about site design tools for Autodesk Forma®.

Before starting the survey, please provide your contact information.

Please rate the following features from our roadmap on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their importance to you:

Terrain Editing

Tools for greater flexibility in terrain modification, featuring both free-form sculpting and basic road design capabilities.

Terrain Editing
Terrain Editing

Site Walls

Ability to draw walls as part of the site model. These walls can be used as retaining walls or acoustic walls and will impact the noise analysis calculation.

Site Walls

Terrain Analysis Tools

In addition to earthworks analysis, we plan to introduce new terrain analysis functions. These functions include elevation and slope analysis for accessibility studies, as well as shadow and stormwater analysis for better microclimate and sustainable design.

Terrain Analysis Tools

We strive to make your Forma site design experience as smooth as possible. Are there any features you think are missing?

I would like to stay informed about the further development of these tools.
I accept the Terms of Use and Data Protection and Privacy Policy.
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